February 18, 2016



Food Cupboard Donations 

Regarding food cupboard donations, (for ElderNet, North Light, etc.), some suggested items that we are currently in need of are cereal, rice, canned fruit, canned fish/meat, peanut butter and jellies. 

Please be sure and check the expiration date on any items you donate. Thank you for your continued support!

North Light Community Center 

Hunger continues to deepen, and presents a particular challenge during the winter months when heating costs rise. Please don’t forget to bring nonperishable items for donation to the North Light food cupboard. Renee Banson, Mary Chris Lindsay and Liz Silbaugh will make the deliveries on the 2nd 4th and 5th Sundays.

ELDERNET of Lower Merion and Narberth

Hunger knows no boundaries. Eldernet of Lower Merion and Narberth provides a range of services to
those in need living within Lower Merion Township. Now that the holidays are over, their food cupboard is bare. On the first and third Sundays, we will collect nonperishable foods, paper products, cleaning supplies and other dry goods not covered by food stamps to help stock the Eldernet food cupboard, located in the white building that shares the parking lot with Ludington Library. Jane Carton, Nicky Garvan and Connie Stelzenmuller will make the deliveries.

Storytime at Just Children 

We continue to read stories to Just Children’s Head Start children on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am.  Carolyn Ramsey, Carolyn Langfitt, Laura Breenan and Kathy Hubbard are presently reading. Do you have time to be a story teller?  Contact Laura Muzzi Brennan.


Provide-a-Ride is in need of one or two more drivers to assist in driving members to church who otherwise would be unable to attend. This is a very flexible commitment involving 30 – 45 minutes of your time once a month. While you would be committed to a particular Sunday morning for driving, i.e. 3rd Sunday of each month, drivers “trade” Sundays as they need to, and alternates are available. The current riders are very prompt and very grateful, and live within 5 minutes of each other, so the driving time is minimal. If you feel able to participate in this project, please contact by email Sally Pearne or 215-848-4014. (It should also be noted there are no committee meetings for this service opportunity!)

Organized Dinners 

Kathy Hubbard is organizing dinners for parishioner who need a few meals because of health or personal reasons. She currently needs meals for a family this week, and possibly next week. Please see or email Kathy Hubbard if you can help, or would like to be on call for meals throughout the year.